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Panel Discussion – Approaches to Greater Global Mobility for the Wealthy in the MENA Region

Panel Discussion – Approaches to Greater Global Mobility for the Wealthy in the MENA Region

Panel Discussion – Approaches to Greater Global Mobility for the Wealthy in the MENA Region

Speaker Image
Session 4,
09:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Panel Objective
2024 is likely another year of accelerating divergence within the world where geopolitical risks drive the global
outlook highly uncertain. Wealthy individuals across the MENA region have been confronting exposure to
regional conflict and crisis, which makes the region one of the world’s fastest-growing investment migration
markets. The discussion by this panel delves into challenges and opportunities when MENA investors decide to
obtain global mobility for themselves and their families

Panelists :
Gonçalo Mendes Leal, Founding Partner, NSMLawyers

Event Details

  • Date: April 24
  • Time: 9:45 am - 10:30 am
  • Event Category: